Pain Management

Our lien-based medical treatment ensures you receive the highest quality care without financial burden. We will work directly with the at-fault party or their insurance company to cover your medical bills. This means you can focus on your recovery while we handle the administrative details.

With our state-of-the-art facilities and experienced medical professionals, you can be confident that you're receiving the best possible care. We utilize the latest medical innovations and technology to ensure a successful recovery.

Sports Injuries

Sports injuries can be incredibly frustrating, hindering your performance and enjoyment of the game. To excel in your sport, it's essential to understand your body's unique demands and ensure your muscles are adequately conditioned. At SCC Waxahachie, we offer a holistic approach to sports injury care. Our services include:

  • Comprehensive injury diagnosis: Accurate identification of the problem.
  • Personalized treatment plans: Tailored to your specific needs and recovery goals.
  • Rehabilitation programs: Designed to restore strength, flexibility, and function.
  • Sports-specific services: Training and conditioning to prevent future injuries and optimize performance.

Minimally invasive spine
Pain Management

Auto Injury

After an auto accident, medical professionals should assess and diagnose injuries, offering services such as evaluation, diagnostics, treatment, and physical therapy depending on the specific circumstances.

Common auto accident injuries include fractured bones, neck sprains, concussion, brain injuries, arm and leg injuries, scrapes and cuts, and whiplash.

Chronic Pain

Chronic pain, lasting more than three months, can manifest in various forms, including persistent back pain, headaches, joint discomfort, and nerve-related pain. To address these conditions, a range of medications is often prescribed. Common options include non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen and naproxen, acetaminophen, antidepressants for mood and pain management, anti-seizure drugs to alleviate nerve-related pain, and steroids to reduce inflammation.

Minimally invasive spine


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